Contact Us
Phone |
Office Hours |
Address |
Central OfficePhone: (479) 637-3179
Fax: (479) 637-3177
Monday - Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 4:00p.m. Friday- 7:30-3:30 |
Central Office1560 West 6th Street
Waldron, AR 72958
Elementary SchoolPhone: (479) 637-2454
Fax: (479) 637-3173
Covid Contact:479-637-2720 ext.225
Elementary School1895 Rice Street
Waldron, AR 72958
Middle SchoolPhone: (479) 637-4549
Fax: (479) 637-3165
Covid Contact:479-637-2720 ext.225
Monday - Friday 7:15 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. |
Middle School2075 Rice Street
Waldron, AR 72958
High SchoolPhone: (479) 637-3405
Fax: (479) 637-5624
Covid Contact:479-637-2720 ext.225
Monday - Friday 7:30 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. |
High School736 West Highway 80
Waldron, AR 72958
Adventure Learning AcademyPhone: (479) 637-2720
Adventure Learning Academy408 Elm Street
Waldron, AR 72958
ABCPhone: (479) 637-2720
Covid Contact:479-637-2720 ext.225
7:45 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
ABC453 West 6th
Waldron, AR 72958
DaycarePhone: (479) 637-2720
Covid Contact:479-637-2720 ext.225
6:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m.
Daycare574 Cedar Street
Waldron, AR 72958
the mission of
Waldron School District
is to achieve a recognized status of excellence with high expectations for:
- College and Career Readiness
- Global use of technology
- Leadership and character development
- Personal accountability and responsibility
- Individual growth and development
- Expanded community partnerships